Remember your health during the holidays « Health Now, Wealth Forever

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By Felicia, on November 23rd, 2012

I love this time of year!  Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts are the high points.  But the added feeling of unhealthiness is a low point for sure.

Spices and herbs are an easy way to combat the unhealthiness.  As we prepare our feasts, we must not forget the healing and delicious properties of the herbs and spices we add to our meals.  As discussed in previous posts on Health Now Wealth Forever, the resources for health come directly from nature.

Spices and herbs are loaded with anti-oxidants, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties as well as aid in memory, weight control and metabolism.  They can enhance meals, fill us up faster and are packed with vitamins, adding depth to our meals and making them more enjoyable.

So, remember to add as many herbs and spices to your feasts as you can during this awesome time of year!

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